‘A dropping has to smile at you, then it’s good’ | 1Limburg

Don’t just throw away your poo and pee, because farmer Thieu Bongers from Kelpen-Oler is happy with it. “It used to be quite normal to also fertilize the land with your own excrement.”

You could donate your excrement on Saturday at Bongers. He participated in the national campaign ‘Give a Shit’. Fertilize the land with human excrement; may sound dirty, but according to the farmer it is desperately needed. “Because it’s a shame to flush everything down the sewer.”

Also read: Kelpense farmer wants manure

‘Keutel has to smile at you’
Bongers had not expected a high turnout on the national day of action. Claire Schroijen and Jos Meijs from Heythuysen were the only ones who made their ‘own contribution’.

Talking about poop and pee is the most natural thing in the world for Claire and Jos. “A poop has to smile at you, then you know it’s good.” In Heythuysen they keep horses and other animals together. Claire regularly studies the droppings. “You can read a lot from that.”

‘Most normal thing in the world’
The couple saves 40,000 liters of drinking water annually, because they have a dry toilet. “Pee and poop are separated and then I walk once a week to our own compost heap. For us the most normal thing in the world,” says Claire.

Everyone is doing the big message
Bongers is happy with the visit from Heythuysen: “Of course I understand that it is a strange and dirty subject for most people, but we all defecate. In the past, the toilet on our farm was connected to the manure cellar. just between those of the cows. Very normal.”
