A dream for you, the story of the love that conquers the Berlin Wall

Lby the power of love that wins over everything. Also on the History than in ’61with the construction of the Berlin Wallsees the separation of a people, of parents and children, of brothers and even of lovers, as precisely as i two protagonists from A dream for you, Emil And Milou, who, destined to be divided, do everything they can to reunite. It is a drama film in which romance and special effects really give dream moments. A must see tonight on Rai 1 at 21.25.

A dream for you: the true story of East German Hollywood

A dream for you, German film released in theaters in 2019, directed by Martin Schreier, written by Arend Remmersis set in the mythicals Babelsberg studiesconsidered the Hollywood of the former East Germany. Founded in 1911, the Babelsberg studies are the oldest film studios in the world. In ’61, the year in which the story of the film develops, I am one forge of talentfull of a magical atmosphere and a lively, sparkling and carefree creative vein.

They are still found today at Potsdama city a few kilometers from Berlin which, at the time of construction of the Wallis confined to the East Germany. A dream for you tells the true story of these studies, in which the creative spirit continues to pulsate despite the Cold War loominghowever, fictionalizing a delicate love story that promises to thrill viewers.

The powerful love between the German Emil and the French Milou

The male lead is Emil (Dennis Mojen), a young and charming boy with a sensitive soul, who, after finishing his compulsory military service in the army of the DDR (East Germany, the German zone assigned to the Soviet Union after the end of the Second World War), has the dream of giving vent to his creativity by throwing himself into acting. Emil in reality he does not know much about cinema, but he has great resourcefulness, he begins to frequent the Babelsberg studies switching from one set to another.

Breathe in the freshness and beauty of acting even just as an “extra”. In a set she meets the French dancer, Milou (Emilia Schüle). Between them it is love at first sight. Before she returns to France after filming endsEmil does everything to meet her again, but history gets in the way.

Emil (played by Dennis Mojen) and Milou (Emilia Schüle).

But the construction of the Berlin Wall begins, dividing everything

The 13th of August 1961 arrives, the construction of the Berlin Wall that divides Berlin into the west and east. Barbed wire, dug streets, armed soldiers block all roads. Emil is to the East, Milou to the West, seeing each other again seems impossible. At this point Emil has a crazy idea, as absurd as it is beautiful: to become a producer of a film in which to assign a part to Milou so as to return it to the East. The distrust of the leaders of the Babelsberg studies they are huge. But the transport and the determination of Emil they manage to convince even the most rebellious.

The film production of Emil starts, but another hitch arises: it seems that Milou in the meantime she got engaged with an actor. It is not known, therefore, if she will still be in West Germany, when he will be able to sign her, calling her to East Germany. Emil he must do the impossible to make his dream come true. Pressures, hitches, difficulties are total. But the power of love can overcome even the impossible.

