A cyclamen against sclerosis

UThe cyclamen plant brings color and joy to balconies and terraces, but can also symbolize the hope of recovery for people suffering from sclerosis. From next September 22nd, GILS, Italian Group for the Fight against Sclerodermawill return to color Italian squares with the National Cyclamen Day and until the end of October, it will bring volunteers, patients and caregivers to join together – networking from North to South – to spread information on Systemic Sclerosis.

The offering of cyclamen, the symbolic flower of the Association, allows GILS every year not only to raise awareness of this rare, chronic, autoimmune disease, which mainly affects women, but above all to ffund new scientific research projects and raise awareness of early diagnosis.

Sclerosis, early diagnosis is important

Diagnosing the disease in time is essential obtain timely treatment that can slow down the clinical course of the disease and ensure an excellent quality of life. For this reason, during Cyclamen Day, the “Open Hospitals” project in which excellent hospital centers throughout Italy will offer consultancy and checksaccording to their programming, carrying out capillaroscopy for free: a non-invasive test, but essential for detecting the first symptoms of the disease.

A new doctor-patient relationship

The GILS Association has also been engaged for 30 years in the daily struggle alongside Systemic Sclerosis patients, guaranteeing them support and promoting, at the same time, a new approach to the doctor-patient relationship, increasingly focused on listening and personalized assessment of each individual case.

All the squares and hospitals involved in Cyclamen Day 2023 can be discovered on www.sclerodermia.net.

