A criminal group dedicated to violent robberies falls in Ciutat Vella

  • The agents have recovered 224 mobile phones, a dozen computers and 3,500 euros in cash

A joint operation between the Mossos d’Esquadra and the Barcelona Urban Guard (GUB) dismantled on Wednesday, February 15, a criminal group dedicated to robberies with violence and/or intimidation in the center of the Catalan capital. The organization, made up of seven men between the ages of 21 and 43had three addresses in the Ciutat Vella district of Barcelona and Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelonès) where he accumulated the loot of the assaultswhich was later sold abroad.

In the operation, Mossos and GUB agents recovered up to 224 mobile phoneseight computers, eleven tablets and other electronic devices, as well as several high-end watches (valued at around 60,000 euros), fountain pens and 3,500 euros in cash.

repeat thieves

The investigation began at the end of 2022 when the agents received various information from residents of the Ciutat Vella district, where they explained the proliferation of robberies in the area and that made the authors of these use apartments located in the center of the city to carry out the purchase and sale of stolen items to later sell them to other countries.

The first surveillance and investigative efforts by Mossos and GUB confirmed that there was a significant influx of multi-recidivists (identified by the Tremall plan) who accessed apartments in Ciutat Vella and who habitually engaged in crimes against property such as theft or robbery with violence.

The agents managed to identify the alleged perpetrators and made several seizures of objects stolen from people who accessed the apartments to sell the objects they had stolen from the public highway. Thus, they located three floors converted into reception points (two in Ciutat Vella and one in Hospitalet de Llobregat). There, 224 stolen mobiles, other electronic devices and high-end watches were accumulated.

seven detainees

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The police arrested the seven members of the criminal group, who accumulate more than 35 police records. Those arrested went to court on Friday and the judge decreed prison for four of the detainees and freedom with precautionary measures for the other three.

Currently, investigators are focusing their efforts on linking the stolen effects with previously reported objects and thus return them to the rightful owners.
