A child costs 500 euros a month, 15% more than in 2022

Ssurprise: economic motivations affect the choice of having or not having children. In particular, among those who don’t have any today, 4 out of 10 don’t intend to have any in the future. This highlights, among other evidence, the last one Findomestic monthly observatory (BNP Paribas Group). Who does the math in the pockets of Italian families. Discovering that they spend almost 500 euros (462 to be precise) for each child who lives in the family, 15% more than a year ago.

Work and motherhood: Italy is not yet a country for mothers

How much does a child cost? 500 euros per month. 15% more than last year

Clothing, school and food expenses they are the most cumbersome expenditure items. Next in the list of increases are travel, transport and health.

From the observatory it also emerges that only 14% of parents cut non-strictly necessary expenses dedicated to their children. 36% postpone other purchases for the family, 32% give up other expenses.

Economic reasons influence, and it is not a surprise, the choice to have or not have children. Of those who don’t have any today, 4 out of 10 don’t intend to have any in the future. The need for more economic supports by the state to support parenthood (53%) is felt by both those who are parents and those who are not. But also the job stability (55%) or the support with expenses for nursery or babysitting (51%) represent key elements for having a child.

The propensity to purchase slows down and pessimism grows

Naturally, the decline in household purchasing power is worrying. As Gilles Zeitoun, CEO and General Manager of Findomestic, explains, «despite the slowdown in inflation, 8 out of 10 Italians continue to experience more or less significant increases and for 64% prices will continue to rise». This helps to slow down the propensity to consume and accelerate the pessimistic push towards the future.

From the beginning of 2023 the performance of purchase intentions it has always been up and down with 4 negative months and 5 positive ones. The negative figure for October is determined by renovations (especially for the stop to the superbonus). But also from technology, in a physiological slowdown after very positive years. The approach of winter penalizes “two wheels” while instead positively pushing the desire to purchase heat pumps, biomass or condensation boilers and thermal insulation systems.

Finally, beyond 3 out of 10 Italians (31%) consider purchasing a good in installments in the next 3 monthsup 6 percentage points compared to what was recorded at the end of last July.

