A catalytic converter was stolen from Sinik’s car – Didn’t stop him from meeting Crown Princess Victoria

Sinika was supposed to greet the crown princess couple Victoria and Daniel already at the beginning of their day at Suomenlinna.

The crown princess couple happily greeted those present from the balcony of Loviisa town hall. Pete Anikari

Crown Princess Victoria and the prince Daniel arrived in Loviisa during their two-day visit to Finland. A large crowd of people arrived to greet the royal couple – there was also a resident of Vantaa Bluebird.

Sinika was supposed to follow the day of the crown princess couple from Suomenlinna, but there were some twists and turns in her journey.

– I was supposed to come here already at six in the morning, but the catalytic converter was stolen from my car. I didn’t have a car, so I had to take it in for maintenance and take the Onnibus here (in Loviisa), Sinikka tells Iltalehte.

Sinikka from Vantaa did everything she could to see Princess Victoria face to face. Pete Anikari

However, Sinikka did not let the unpleasant adversity prevent him from witnessing the historic moment. He and his daughter arrived in Loviisa already at half past eleven.

– I did everything I could, even if the catalyst was taken away, he laughs.

Sinikka would like to see the royal couple even closer during the day. Sinika already has in mind what she would say to the couple if such luck were to happen.

– If I could see them closer, I could wish Daniel a happy birthday. To Victoria, I would say “we love you”, she reveals.

Sinikka is indeed a real royalist, He has been to many royal events, including last week the King of Sweden Karle XVI Gustav At the 50th anniversary celebration in Stockholm.

Sinikka remembers being very surprised at the time that the presidential couple of the republic Sauli Niinistö and Ph.D Jenni Haukio also had the honor of representing Finland on the balcony of Stockholm’s Royal Palace.

– I was surprised that all the heads of state were on the balcony. I knew that Niinistö and Haukio would be there, but I didn’t realize that they would also come to the balcony. I still don’t realize that I’ve seen them all, Sinikka recalls happily.
