A case was opened against the ex-employee of Rostekhnadzor because of a car from the mine

The ex-head of the Belovsky department of Rostekhnadzor in the Kemerovo region used a car bought by the mine for personal purposes, the investigation believes. Earlier, cases were opened against employees of the same department after the accident at Listvyazhnaya

Dmitry Demeshin

(Photo: epp.genproc.gov.ru)

A criminal case was opened against the former head of the Belovsky department of Rostekhnadzor in the Kemerovo region under the article on abuse of office for using a car purchased by miners, said Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Dmitry Demeshin, transmits TASS.

After the accident at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass against two inspectors from the Belovsky department of Rostekhnadzor was initiated negligence case.

“A criminal case has been initiated against the head of the Belovsky department for the fact that the miners, that is, the mines, purchased a car on which he personally [ездил]used it for official and personal needs,” Demeshin said.

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Criminal cases of abuse of power by other employees of Rostekhnadzor are also now being investigated, Demeshin said. He explained that after the accident at the Listvyazhnaya mine, it was established that, among other things, Rostekhnadzor inspectors did their work nominally: they noted in the documents that they checked, but did not descend into the mines.
