A cardboard horse for Aznar’s ‘holy war’

It seems to me that those who have better understood the last message of Aznar They have been those of ‘The Intermediate’ (La Sexta). The virtuous cardinal-ensign representative of the ‘Aznarian Church’ (Wyoming) has mounted a horse, and brandishing the crucifix and the sword has begun to ride. The battle cry is «The Crusade against Sánchez!». In other words, a ‘holy war’. But let’s take a good look at the war scenery: the horse is made of cardboard, and the sword is a letter opener. That is to say, according to these sarcastic television people, the so-called ‘Aznarian rebellion’ will probably only get a domestic pot-shot from personnel sympathetic to its ideas. It is an exercise of great comfort: you look out the window, with the pot, for a while, and you don’t even have to leave the house.

THE ‘DIADA’ DIDN’T SUCCESSFUL ON TV3 EITHER.– The vast majority of networks have considered that the demonstration promoted by the ANC for the ‘Diada’ was not exactly a success in attracting people. Televisionly speaking, there is one fact that supports it: TV-3 disconnected practically as soon as the Plaza de Espanya thing ended. Other years, when TV3 was ‘cheerleader’, they went on set and immediately added a table of ‘hooligans’ commentators who warmed us up until the arrival of ‘Telenotícies’. This year they disconnected quickly and gave us the ‘Està passant’. It wasn’t even an original program, it was a rehash of past editions.

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AMNESTY TO DECONGESTION PRISONS.– The entire national telehippodrome is excited discussing whether or not the ‘amnesty’ thing fits into the constitutional order. Last night the ‘Minister’ of Justice Gemma Ubasart was interviewed by Xavier Graset (‘Mès 324’, TV-3). He reaffirmed himself in the amnesty, pointing out its goodness. And he warned: «It also serves at times when the prison population has grown a lot. “Amnesties have been applied to empty the prisons”. Ahh! It may seem barbaric to amnesty for ‘overbooking’ of imprisoned personnel. But be careful, I remember that in October 2013 a proposal from the President of the Republic of Italy made world news Giorgio Napolitano: He promoted a generous and broad amnesty because the Italian prisons were bursting at the seams. What I no longer remember is if that ever prospered.
