A campsite full of happy LGBTI young people, because Brenda fights for her child’s happiness

Birds of paradise: that’s what Brenda calls young people like her child. And driven by the experiences she has, she creates places where these young people have space to spread their wings safely. Because feeling safe is not self-evident for young people for whom the traditional gender identity does not fit. At NH she tells how her plans came about.

Photos: Melle Bos

Brenda is a Warrior: an inspiring North Hollander, who, driven by her own experience, makes a positive contribution to society. NH News gives people like Brenda a platform.

Two colored wings on the pedestal next to her symbolize the bird of paradise; as a reference to people who give color to society. It is also the name of the pop-up campsite that was such a success last summer. The campsite will be back next summer and Brenda is looking forward to more times of the year to bring LGBTI young people together.

‘Strijders’ can also be listened to as a podcast. Subscribe to the series through your favorite podcast provider.

Listen to the episode below with Brenda.

In the Warriors program, inspiring North Hollanders tell their story. They each try to make the world a little more beautiful in their own way.

Warriors will be broadcast on the TV channel of NH Nieuws and via our website. The stories can also be listened to as a podcast. Subscribe to it via your favorite podcast channel. Here you will find an overview of all Warriors.
