A camera caught Alves ignoring the victim as she was comforted by her friend and Sutton staff

02/15/2023 at 2:39 p.m.


The images can be key in the judicial process if, as it seems, the player defends himself by arguing that it was a consensual sexual encounter

A security camera of the sutton nightclub caught the footballer Dani Alves leaving the premises after the alleged rape, according to sources consulted by EL PERIÓDICO, from the Prensa Ibérica group. The recording shows that the former player of the FC Barcelona walked past the victim and her friend without addressing them. In the images it can be seen that Alves almost brushes them when passing by him but avoid looking to the two young women, who at that moment have their backs turned, telling a security employee and a person in charge of Sutton what just happened in the private bathroom. The 23-year-old victim is crying.

The images recorded in the moments after the alleged violation may play a important role in the judicial process if, as it seems, Alves defends himself against the accusation arguing that it was a consensual sexual encounter. In the prison order issued against the player, the magistrate Anna Marin –who was covering a loss of another magistrate who has already returned to the trial court 15 in Barcelona– emphasizes that Alves’ behavior immediately after the events does not easily match that of someone who has just had a sexual relationship with consent. Football player did not engage in dialogue again one with the young woman – the same one he danced with before entering the bathroom – and even he ignored her, according to the recording of a camera located at the main entrance of Sutton, at the leave the disco while the complainant was being comforted by her friend and two disco workers.

After-the-fact pictures

In the images of the cameras installed in the reserved area of ​​Sutton, it can be seen how Alves returns to the table in his VIP space after the alleged violation. Footballer and whistleblower have just passed without cameras between 15 and 16 minutes inside a bathroom. On the sofa is his friend and a friend of the complainant. The second friend who was with her that night has gone downstairs. Alves avoids contact with the group and goes to find a drink without exchanging a word with them.

Half a minute after Alves did it, the cameras also capture how the complainant leaves the bathroom. She goes to her friend, grabs her by her arm, says something in her ear and they both leave. The friend kisses Alves’s friend goodbye, but the complainant does not. Alves is very close to them but avoid eye contact with the young Despite having shared that meeting that, according to the footballer, has been consented to, neither Alves nor the complainant speak or say goodbye. Not a single gesture.

The two friends go downstairs holding each other. They walk past the cloakroom and head for the exit. It is in that hallway where the victim breaks down crying and tells her friend what just happened: that Alves has just raped her and that he has hurt her, according to his version of events. She points to her knee – the injury report from the forensic examination that will be performed that same night at the Hospital Clínic refers to knee injuries – and her friend hugs her.

When the two friends are already by the main door, a camera captures how a security worker comes, first, and a person in charge of the premises, later, to inquire about their condition. Shortly after, that camera also captures how Alves and his friend approach from behind, through the same corridor that the young women have used. They move towards the two young women, who are unaware of their presence because their backs are turned, and towards the two members of Sutton who are serving them.

The passage between the wall and the two women is narrow. Alves and his friend have to pass next to them, a few centimeters away. In that recording it seems that both Alves and his friend they perceive that the young woman is crying.

According to the victim’s complaint, which provides catches Of this, Alves’s friend contacted his friends through Instagram after these events. He took an interest in them and made himself available to her in case they needed anything. That contact surprised her friends enough, who already knew what had happened, to inform the Mossos d’Esquadra.

Inconsistency with recording

The last of the three versions that Alves has rehearsed to defend himself against the accusation is the following: he was in the bathroom relieving himself when the young woman opened the door, entered and gave him fellatio. The victim, on the contrary, gave the same version of the events two days later at the police headquarters and also at the judicial headquarters. According to the complainant, Alves insisted that he accompany her through a door. She agreed without knowing that it was a bathroom. Upon discovering it, she wanted to get out of it but he prevented her from doing so. After her, he sat on her toilet and she was forced to sit on top of her. She told him to stop and begged him to let her go. He said no. He threw her to the ground, grabbed her by the neck, slapped her and tried to force her to give him fellatio – which she refused. Then he picked her up, placed her against the sink, and finally, he put her against the toilet and raped her until he ejaculated.

The position of the fingerprints and the injuries to the knee fit the woman’s version. The DNA tests also support her complaint, which have found rthese semen in the vagina of the victim.

If Alves’ fourth version, which must match all the evidence collected, is based on the fact that it was a consensual relationship, he must also clarify why he ignored her when he ran into her, while crying, on the way out of Sutton.
