A boss in the living room, the film tonight on Canale 5: plot and cast

IS hard to tell the truth to someone you love? According to the protagonists of A boss in the living room – 2014 film by Luca Miniero with Paola Cortellesi And Luca Argenterobroadcast tonight at 21.35 on Channel 5 – Yes. What happens, however, when the hidden truths come back to the surface and risk hurting the very one you love?

A boss in the living roomthe plot of the movie

The Coso family lives in a terraced house in a residential area of ​​Bolzano. Cristina D’Avola (Paola Cortellesi) she is an enterprising woman, focused on social climbing. The sons Vittorio (Saul Nanni) and Fortuna (Lavinia De ‘Cocci) they attend a private school and are victims of their mother’s dreams of glory. The first is an introverted teenager who rejects the dictates of the family. The second embodies the identikit of the perfect daughter, excellent at school, educated and passionate about ballet. Neither is happy, but Cristina refuses to observe and listen to her children. She is convinced that attending the right environments and the right people is enough to reach the highest peaks. Therefore, she stresses the rest of the family so that the choice is always made… the right one.

In the social climb it is also included her husband Michele (Luca Argentero), an insecure man, subject to his wife’s requests. To seem even more respectable, in fact, they do not mind expenses, but the income is meager and Michele is unable to say no. He works for Carlo Manetti (Alessandro Besentini)owner of the most important company in the city, and is running for promotion to marketing director. A career spurt that would help him find some peace of mind, after turning to usurers to meet family needs.

The unexpected arrival of Rocco Papaleo

The quiet of the Coso family is upset when the police summons Cristina to the barracks. In a moment, the past comes knocking again and it turns out that the latter her name is Carmela Cimmaruta and she is the sister of Ciro (Rocco Papaleo)accused of being a Camorra boss. Cristina, in fact, changed her name years earlier because she is ashamed of her origins. The family is unaware of everything, to the point that both the husband and the children believed that uncle Ciro was dead. While waiting for the trial, he will spend house arrest at their homeand, right from the start, his presence alters the family balance.

Rocco Papaleo in the film “A boss in the living room”. (Gianni Fiorito / Cattleya)

Too weak to face such a shame, Cristina does everything to ensure that no one finds out the truth about her brother and introduces him as the butler. But when the news covers his case, something strange happens. Instead of being marginalized, the Cosos savor the thrill of privileges.

For them all the doors open. Michele becomes marketing director and Cristina starts dating Doriana (Agela Finocchiaro), the snobbish and classist wife of Claudio Manetti. Thanks to you, invitations for social evenings flock and the Cosos are proud of their achievement. The rise of stardom begins for the children as well. Vittorio, in particular, becomes a friend of Alberico, the son of the Manettis.

Paola Cortellesi in the film “A boss in the living room”. (Gianni Fiorito / Cattleya)

The unexpected ending

In their naivety, Cristina and Michele think they have conquered the world, but this is not the case. The trial arrives and Ciro is cleared. Witnesses state that Cimmaruta is a low-level offender and that it has nothing to do with organized crime.

The news, instead of reassuring the citizens, causes an unexpected event domino effect on the Coso family. Michele loses his position as marketing director and is moved to a closet awaiting dismissal. Along with the office, he also loses the company car and all benefits. Vittorio is turned away by Alberico and Cristina leaves Doriana’s radar. Disappointed, astonished and angry, she realizes that to open the doors of the city elite was not the sympathy and good manners, but the respect and fear towards the brother. Ciro is the only one who immediately understood what was happening, but he didn’t say anything, just so as not to hurt those he loves.

Angela Finocchiaro in the film “A boss in the living room”. (Gianni Fiorito / Cattleya)

The reversal of stereotypes

A boss in the living room is a comedy that overturns stereotypes with a fair dose of lightness. The Coso family lives in a respectable town in Northern Italy. Carmela calls herself Cristina because he is ashamed of his past, in the South, e pursues social redemptionwhatever it takes, even his and his family’s unhappiness.

The arrival of Ciro will question her certainties, until she is forced to face reality. The age-old North-South clash dissolves as the wealthy and respectable Carlo and Doriana turn to Ciro to boost their finances. Cristina will understand that the whole world is a country and that perhaps the time has come to be called by her real name.

