a book to achieve the goal – iO Donna

dlosing weight is easier than you think, the more difficult it is maintain the new weight over time. To achieve this goal, three factors are essential: build a new self-image”; fulfill different actions from the usual ones; acquire one new habit. She explains it in his latest book about him, Neuromesmerism. Operating manual of fascination and magnetism (Mediterranean Editions), Paul Voccawriter, trainer and mental coach.

The method

«Neuromesmerism is a form of “advanced communication”through which we don’t limit ourselves to using words alone, but we exploit the power of the gaze, of the gesture, of the touch, to hook the deepest part of our interlocutor, the one that acts and reacts in thousandths of a second, even before the “conscious mind” intervenes. Obviously Neuromesmerism it does not replace at the psychotherapy or at medicinebut it could be of enormous help», explains Vocca.

How to lose weight

«Let’s start with pigs a specific, realistic and dated goal in which to reach it. For example “I want to weigh 7 kilos less in three months”. At this point, let’s take a few minutes to imagine how we will be in three monthswhen we will weigh less: How we are dressed? What do we eat? What mood are we in when we wake up in the morning? What actions do we do what we couldn’t do before? What are the different thoughts compared to the past? What sensations do we have while dressing? What emotion do we feel in front of the mirror?” continues the expert.

Healthy diet and false myths: that's why it's not just a matter of weight

Stop the internal saboteur

“We know that the dietician is not enough of cry to achieve our goal. Even if we know what to do, which foods to choose, which physical activityfinally comes the “inner saboteur” and nullifies everything. So you have to come to terms with the saboteurwhich responds to orders sonly if it suits him, if he “likes” (and he likes to eat and be lazy). The actions that we will suggest the new image they will be welcomed by the saboteur, because they will be pleasant to him, they will take into account our tastes and desires, making only a few pleasant variations. Essential it is take the first and smallest step towards change, which however has the characteristic of being “opposite” to what has been done so far», underlines Vocca.

Losing weight: from theory to practice

“At this point we have to transform words and intentions into a language that the body understands. To do this we will identify a first action which suggested the new image, for example choose a tasty vegetable dish from the buffet instead of a plate of fries. We will create a scene in our mind in which, in front of a real buffet, we pick up the plate of vegetables. Let’s keep this image in mind and try to feel the same emotions “as if” we had made this new choice, therefore joy, satisfaction, self-esteem. We smile, we make a hand gesture that expresses the pride of having won a first battle. For a few days, before taking action, we recall this scene several times so that it is clearly imprinted in our memory», advises the expert.

Lose weight: the technique to achieve the goal

«Now let’s apply a typical technique of Neuromesmerism: we bring a hand to the foreheadimagining that we are inserting the food we want to avoid, for example fried food, into our heads; we move the hand to the stomach and let’s imagine that the frying is there; we massage the stomach clockwise and counterclockwise, as if we wanted help him digest; then we do a hand gesturestarting from the stomach and going downwards, as if we wanted shake off that weight. We massage the stomach again, as if to thank him. Once this is done, let’s imagine that bring the plate of vegetables to the forehead; we move the hand to the stomach and visualize the vegetables, fresh and pleasant, which fill it. Let’s massage the stomach and thank him for the pleasant sensation of lightness» suggests Vocca.

Consolidate the new habit

“Every time we meet in front of the buffet, and when faced with the dilemma of what to choose, let’s slowly massage our stomach and recall the virtual reality we first experienced. We repeat over time this procedure, until it becomes a habit, both when we are away from food and when we find ourselves in front of a real laid table, caressing the stomach and making the choice that the “new image” has suggested to us», concludes Vocca.

