A blunt instruction from the Ice Hockey Championship League for the players – Now there was a backlash

The mouths of the captains of the SM league teams were gagged.

The ice hockey players’ association SJRY has been angry with the ice hockey SM league for gagging the players.

On Monday, the league organized the traditional opening ceremony of the season, where the management of the league, representatives of the teams and the media were present.

For a long time, the hot potato in Finnish ice hockey has been the series system of the men’s top leagues, which the League management has drawn a strict line on commenting on. The matter has not been commented on recently.

In connection with Monday’s opening ceremony, it became apparent that the League also instructed the team captains, i.e. the players, not to answer journalists’ questions about the series system. SJRY did not like this.

– The players’ association does not accept this type of silencing of players’ voices. Everyone should have the right to their own opinions and the opportunity to express them, SJRY thundered in its statement published on Tuesday.

In SJRY’s opinion, it is necessary to be able to have a discussion about the series system and other topics, and the opinion of the players should also be heard.

– Based on player surveys conducted by the players’ association, 98 percent of the Liiga and Mestis players who expressed their opinion support the opening of the Liiga. We hope that all perspectives will come forward, including those that are different from the majority of players, SJRY continued.

The league season starts on September 12. Inka Soveri
