A big promise from Miss Finland finalist Jenna Rintamäki – She plans to win the competition next year

Jenna Rintamäki didn’t get the crown of Miss Finland or heiress princess this year, but that doesn’t discourage her.

Jenna Rintamäki is not going to give up on her dream. Mikko Huisko

Bachelor of Dentistry Jenna Rintamäki, 23, did not win the Miss Finland crown this year. The law student crowned Miss Finland 2023 Paula Joukanen22. Was chosen as the first hereditary princess Serina Suvila23, and as the second hereditary princess Maisa Alatalo21.

Despite his defeat, Rintamäki is happy Instagram– in his publication, what a great experience the competition was for him.

– This day was one of those moments that I will never forget! I’m so excited that I got to peek behind the scenes at the Miss Finland 2023 final, and it was just the prelude to a wonderful journey, she expressed in the post.

Rintamäki hints that she has by no means given up on her dream of being Miss Finland in the future.

– This pageant trip has opened doors to the world of modeling for me, and given me valuable experience in the modeling career. I am ready to work hard and do everything I can to win Miss Finland next year, she promises.

In his post, Rintamäki hints that he will not run out of modeling jobs despite the end of the competition. There is plenty of work at Rintamäki anyway, as he is also an entrepreneur and has been involved in the founding of two different companies. In addition, the entrepreneur has an international background, as he once lived in the United States and is currently studying in Latvia. He named internationality as one of his strengths in the competition.

Readers of Iltalehti voted Rintamäki as one of their favorites from all the Miss Suomi finalists. At that time, Rintamäki got 11 percent of the votes from Iltalehti readers, which made him the third most popular finalist in the vote. Readers named Alatalo as their first favorite with 25 percent of votes, and Suvila took second place with 12 percent of votes.

Paula Joukanen is the new Miss Finland.
