‘A bbp daling of 13.7 percent’

Corona rules – such as travel restrictions of the lockdown – have a rampant effect on the Chinese economy. The national commerciële center Shanghai reported a value of 13.7 percent on the annual basis in zijn gross inland product.

Na deze melding heeft Premier Li Keqiang local authorities gevraagd economic steun te verlenen, reports South China Morning Post. The steun wants to go to the market and it is necessary that the sea works are designed by economically stimulating building projects.

The verzoek kwam nadat de national gezondheidscommissie deze maandag 188 nieuwe local overcharged corona cases and 727 asymptomatic cases had been reported.

Alicia Garcia-Herrero, hoofdeconoom van investeringsbank Natixis, reports a South China Morning Post that heidige coronabeleid de economy dead standstill heeft brought. Om the speeches hebben grandchildren Chinese investeringsbanken hun ramingen soms zelfs tot 3.3 percent verlaagd.

And the previous ones introduced by Raad van State al 19 new economic tax rules, with a stimulering package van in total 1 biljoen yuan (ruim 144 million euros). Deze vrijdag zullen he economic results van de maand augustus bekend been made.
