A 59-year-old cyclist from Overloon died in the storm

A 59-year-old man from Overloon was killed by a fallen tree in Venray in Limburg on Thursday afternoon. The police report this. According to a 112 correspondent, the man was riding a bicycle.

Things went wrong at the Dr. Kortmannweg. The road was then closed due to the risk of more falling trees.

The autumn storm Ciarán swept across the country with great force, sometimes with wind speeds of almost 100 kilometers per hour, such as in Gilze-Rijen. Other people were (slightly) injured by the natural disaster.

The Tilburg insurer Interpolis has so far received approximately 130 damage reports, mainly involving broken fences and roofs. View the images of Ciaran here.

READ ALSO: Autumn storm Ciarán passed over Brabant, this is what it looked like
