A 51-year-old motorcyclist dies in an accident in Camarles (Tarragona)

A 51-year-old man, RSL, has died as a result of injuries caused by the fall from a motorcycle who was driving in Camarlesin the Tarragona region of Baix Ebre. The traffic accident took place around 10:15 p.m. at kilometer 1,089.5 of the road N-340 when, for reasons that are now being investigated, the motorcyclist fell from his motorcycle onto the road.

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The driver, the only occupant of the vehicle, was seriously injured and was taken to the Verge de la Cinta hospital. Tortosa, where he has finally died. Three patrols from the Mossos d’Esquadraan endowment of Firefighters of the Generalitatand two ambulances from the Medical Emergency System (SEM).

With this victim, there are 92 people who have died in traffic accident in the interurban road network of Catalonia, 22 of which are motorcyclists.
