“He was wrong in Abu Dhabi”

The 1978 F1 world champion analyzes the contested final of the 2021 World Championship defending Michael Masi: “It would have been bad to finish behind the Safety Car”. Then the criticism of Lewis: “he could defend himself better when overtaking”

Federico Mariani

March 12

The 2022 F1 World Championship is upon us. Will it be a rematch for Lewis Hamilton or will Max Verstappen grant an encore? They, the old king and the new world champion, are the most anticipated protagonists after the events of Abu Dhabi 2021. Mario Andretti also wanted to express his opinion on the disputed final of last season. In an interview with the Spanish newspaper ASthe 1978 world champion defends former race director Michael Masi and above all criticizes Hamilton himself for his management of the last Grand Prix.


The final lap of Abu Dhabi made history for the overtaking of Verstappen against the British. A maneuver that could be avoided by the Mercedes driver with more attention according to Andretti: “From my point of view, when the green flag came out, Hamilton was fast enough, but arriving at turn 4, Verstappen was very close and Lewis left the door open. I think he could have done more ”. Then a praise to the Dutchman from Red Bull: “Max had new tires, of course, but Mercedes was even stronger. The race was exciting and Verstappen deserved the title. And then the rivalry with Hamilton was tremendously positive for this sport ”.

DEFENSE hamilton

Andretti’s attention then shifts to the Masi story. The former race director was dismissed after the controversy over the final in Abu Dhabi, when he restarted the GP without having waited for the rejoining of the split cars. Yet Mario is convinced that Michael made the best decision: “When he realized that the race was nearing its end, he avoided a conclusion behind the Safety Car. And I think it was correct. Abu Dhabi was the most important race of the season and finishing behind the safety car would have been a real disaster ”.

andretti in f1

Finally, a comment on his son Michael’s intention to enter F1 with his own team: “The project is his, I only helped him from the outside. Michael has not given up on the idea of ​​participating in this championship. Even if it has not been possible now, he has no intention of giving up ”. All that remains is to wait.
