100 days of Roemer: ‘Limburg rolls from crisis to crisis’ | 1Limburg

Emile Roemer will be governor for exactly 100 days this Friday. On L1 Radio he looks back on his first 100 days.

“The days have flown by. I really liked it, I really ended up in a warm bath. But there is also a lot going on, so I am very busy every day,” says Roemer.

The governor has recently visited many places and had many conversations. “It is a resilient province that has a lot to offer. People have been given a lot to choose from, but show themselves very resilient and that makes me very proud.”

From crisis to crisis
What is disappointing for Roemer is that Limburgers go from one crisis to another. “You want to start building. You’ve had the flood, the internal crisis in the provincial government, had the corona pandemic and now you have the war on the edge of Europe.”

The province mainly has a coordinating role with regard to the war in Ukraine. “As far as the reception of refugees is concerned, that is up to the security regions. We try to do that as well as possible with close consultation with the two chairmen of the security regions and many organizations who all want to do something. We can make a difference and we are doing that. also.”
