Tis-Mattu left the e-pills – it glows good

Mathilda Westerberg, who has spoken openly about her mental health problems, has found a new way to do better.

Mathilda Westerberg decided to leave the e-pilots for her own well-being. Henri Kärkkäinen

Mathilda Westerberg that is, Mattu is familiar with the Temptation Island program, in which he has participated as many as twice.

Mattu has spoken publicly about his mental health problems, which he said was only exacerbated by his participation in the Tempparit program. Watching the program later made her feel so bad that it made her go to a psychiatric outpatient clinic where she was diagnosed with: unstable personality disorder.

At the moment, however, Mattu says he is glowing. That’s why he reveals in his Instagram: giving up e-pills. However, having a baby is not part of the beauty’s plans.

– My self-esteem is really glowing and it is thanks to giving up e-pills, more specifically the follicular phase that has returned to my life, Mattu writes.

Menstruation site according to the follicular phase refers to the first part of the cycle, the growth of the egg. The amount of estrogen then rises and increases the lining of the uterus, which can receive a fertilized egg.

– My body is getting ready to get pregnant right now, which may have even been distressing in the past, because the children are not on my current wish list. But today I feel like a damn superpower of this follicular stage. My skin glows, the feeling is invincible, the mirror image is pleasing and all kinds of pleasure feel more intense. I have a great feeling, he writes.

Matt’s Followers comment on the update and some are willing to follow his example.

– These sun updates are starting to push me closer to giving up hormonal contraception, even though I’m really skeptical about other means. But knowing your body for a long time would be so jees.

– Incredibly negative e-pill effect. You only realize it when they stop. Wonderful when you glow!
