“Thoroughbred”: love in the first person

★★★ Perhaps it was the Spanish writer Lope de Vega (1562- 1635), baptized as the “Phoenix of Wits”, who best defined the different states of mind that falling in love generates in human beings. In the last lines of his classic sonnet “Esto es amor”, after enumerating the cataclysm that a loving situation can produce, he affirms: “Believe that a heaven fits in a hell, / give life and soul to a disappointment; / This is love, whoever tasted it knows it”. It is that this is a common thread of life and one of the great themes of literature, theater, cinema and all those arts that try to interpret how existence modifies us, falling into the networks of an affectionate bond.

In “Pure blood, love is a monster”, the trio made up of Griselda Sicialini, Jorgelina Aruzzi and Carlos Casella, try to provide, over an hour, a sampler of the devastation that relationships leave in their wake. It is a collective creation, a kind of catharsis, with songs and original music, in which the protagonist is accompanied by a male choir made up of five performers, among which the multifaceted and effective Frenchman Hervé Segata stands out, and the dynamic Eddy Garcia. Together they function, metaphorically, as the voices of society, friends, family, and perennial social mandates.

The girl, energetic and sensitive, is trapped in a kind of corral or riding school, built with wood, where she reflects and narrates different encounters with men and how those toxic idylls disturbed her. “In love there is no dignity”, she bellows in one of her texts.

Siciliani has repeatedly exhibited his artistic talents. Here she once again demonstrates her impeccable conditions, especially when Casella’s imaginative choreographies even force her to crawl up the wall and climb to the top of the stage, while she sings. And although everything that she has to do with movements and scenic displacements is almost perfect, the weak point, where the proposal suffers the most is, without a doubt, in the very weak dramaturgy. In any case, the show is a risky bet to tell a story in a different way and, in that sense, it is worth it.

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