Hütter infected with Corona: Gladbach against Hertha without a head coach – football – sport

The Austrian went into quarantine after a positive corona test. This was announced by Borussia on Wednesday. Hütter will be represented by assistant coach Christian Peintinger in the duel between the relegation candidates on Saturday and at the match day press conference on Thursday.

In Frank Geideck, another of Hütter’s assistants has been in quarantine since Tuesday. Hütter was also absent from training on Tuesday as a precaution because of suspected corona. On Wednesday, the positive result was confirmed by a PCR test.

Borussia under pressure

The corona infection hits Hütter and Borussia at a particularly sensitive time. After the 2: 3 last weekend at direct competitor VfB Stuttgart, Borussia has come under more pressure in the fight against relegation. Criticism of Hütter had also increased in the past few days.

However, things are not much better for the opponent. The coach in Tayfun Korkut is also under a lot of pressure for the Berliners.

Source: dpa/red
