Antonela Fredianelli: “Business and Pleasure”

Hello Antonella. As a model, you sell products in the United States and you are super well placed, are you doing television at the moment?

Yes, I am doing Business and Pleasure, a Real Estate program that is broadcast on 245 channels throughout Latin America.

I found out that you were selected out of 150 participants, how did you feel?

I was very flattered because the level of my colleagues was very good, but they selected me! In a casting conducted by Forever Talents, a Miami-based company that seeks talent from Latin America and Europe to make them known internationally.

It is gratifying because all the effort and dedication that I put into my work is reflected when I am in front of a camera, it transfers my selling power.

You are a model, a tireless journalist who knew how to cover interesting reports for open television channels in Argentina and America in general.

How do you see the current situation of advertising?

We live in the era of consumption. In the West we are used to progressively improving the quality of life. We have more and more needs that we impose on ourselves or on society itself.

As a model, how do you see advertising in general?

In this sense, the advertising industry plays a fundamental role in our current life system. With advertising, our consumption expectations are expanded and in recent years, through advertising, the innovations that are available to us on computer screens reach our homes.

Whether on television or on social networks, advertising is always advertising.

In other words, from what you say, any well-done advertising leg is important?

There is no doubt that advertising is a tool capable of influencing society and is capable of generating a great impact moving masses and becoming viral.

From your point of view, what do you think of social networks today?

In this rapid expansion, social networks play a crucial role, as they are one of the most effective and direct channels for companies to reach the masses immediately. The networks are generators of great benefits due to the immediacy with the consumer.

Antonela, you, as a reference, as an opinion maker, what advice would you give to new models who want to achieve success as resounding as yours?

Get training, study as much as you can and like. Doing physical activity and eating healthy is also important to take care of the image. And finally, knowing your body and your model profile is essential!

Thank you for this important talk, Antonela. We continue to wish you more success.

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