Basketball, Champions League: Treviso in crisis, another defeat against Baxi Manresa

It is really hard for the Venetians who in the first return of group J yield 103-88 to the Catalans

The crisis in Treviso is getting darker and, after last Saturday’s internal knockout against Fortitudo, it suffers another defeat on the Palaverde parquet: this time in the Champions League, in the third Top 16 match against Baxi Manresa, third force of the Spanish league after Real and Barça. Now the Venetians are the last of their group, without even a victory: unless there is a sudden resurrection, the elimination is almost certain, despite the fact that there are still three matches to play.


For the team of coach Menetti it is tough from the start: after a few actions the Spaniards are already ahead 0-5, and it is a margin that they manage to keep throughout the first quarter, expanding it up to 18-27 in the 10 ‘. It’s not over: in the second set Baxi accelerates, reaching +16, and it is only thanks to the heart and an inspired Bortolani that the home team manages to limit the damage, going to the interval at 42-55. The collapse seems only postponed, instead the Venetians change gear in defense and play a third quarter of great depth, climbing up to -3 before suffering two lucky triples in the end of the run (67-76). They are the baskets that break the legs of the comeback of the Treviso players, who in the last quarter begin to feel tired legs: Maye enjoys putting her from a distance and in a few minutes Baxi is at +17, effectively closing every conversation.

Treviso Bortolani 22, Russell 21, Sims 19
Manresa Maye 22, Moneke 20, Thomasson 16, Sylvain 12, Juampi 10
