‘Carlo Boszhard exit would be a huge problem for RTL 4’

Carlo Boszhard is too valuable for RTL 4 to drop out, say the men of the TV podcast Content Wars. “It is surely their most important presenter, so RTL cannot lose him.”


Carlo Boszhard has reported libel and slander against both Jan Roos and Yvonne Coldeweijer, because they have spread rumors that link him to transgressive behaviour. If he were to fall out, that would be a huge loss for RTL 4, say the gentlemen of the TV podcast Content Wars

RTL bad in news

Kirsten Jan van Nieuwenhuijzen, who started his career as one of the first four creatives for John de Mol, agrees that RTL is once again bad in the news. “Yes, of course they have a hard time, RTL. Although I do notice that I find it difficult to ehh… First of all: I don’t know Carlo, so I don’t know what this is based on at all.”

It is not clear to Kirsten Jan where the rumors come from. “Of course they say they hear this from several sides, but I find it difficult that people are now being thrown in front of the bus based on rumors. If a report is made and if you make an official report to the police, then I can imagine that you have something.”

Too grabby

But in this case there is actually no proof, continues Kirsten Jan. “To throw someone in front of the bus for people who call those juice channels and yet also to throw his name away, I have a hard time with that. I find that difficult. The juice channels are now of course becoming big with that (…) but I find it difficult.”

It may also be going too far, he continues. “I have to tell you: someone like Carlo obviously has a lot to lose and anyone in the spotlight really runs the risk of seeing their name completely undermined by this. I think that is a difficult thing.”

Big risk

Those juice channels are undermining the TV world quite a bit, according to podcast host Jelle Maasbach. “Yes that’s right. These are of course still rumors and those juice channels can help that more easily.”

He continues: “It also seems to me to be a risk for channels, for format developers, that a presenter who is so connected to your format or program can be accused in one go. Before you know it, a program is in jeopardy.”

Biggest Name

RTL absolutely cannot use an outage from Carlo, says Kirsten Jan. “It is perhaps RTL’s biggest name at the moment. If you look at what kind of programs he makes: I Can See Your Voice, Married At First Sight, The Masked Singer, Oh What A Year, Dear Viewers. Yes, they are all ratings hits and prime-time programs that are very important for the programming of RTL.”

He continues: “You really turn things upside down at RTL, which is already having a hard time with the whole scandal of The Voice and which, incidentally, knows how to defend itself quite well against it, because when I look at the viewing figures it falls all still okay. But yes, it is something that if this really goes through, it will be a huge problem for RTL.”

‘RTL cannot lose him’

Jelle: “Yes, exactly, because it is their most important presenter, so RTL cannot lose him.”

Kirsten Jan: “No, not to mention De TV Kantine, which is of course a very cleverly made program and Carlo is a really talented television producer and also a good presenter. He knows how to bring a lot and gives programs his own sjeu. †

“It would really be a shame for RTL and also for television-watching Netherlands if this had consequences, so I hope not and I also hope that it will remain a rumor and that this will disappear soon.”
