Elliott: “No participation or control of Milan”

The Fund’s reaction to the investigation by the Milan Prosecutor’s Office into the sale of the club: “This accusation is false, Milan was sold to RedBird on 31 August 2022”

After the afternoon’s position taken by the Rossoneri club (“Milan is third and extraneous to the ongoing proceedings”), in the evening comes the firm denial from the Elliott fund. “We note reports of investigations into the current and former CEO of Milan in relation to the allegation that the club ‘still belongs to Elliott, and that this has been hidden from the Football Federation’. This allegation is false”, is the statement from the spokesperson of the Anglo-American fund regarding the transfer of ownership of the Rossoneri club contested by the Milan Prosecutor’s Office.

Press release which concludes as follows: “Milan was sold to RedBird on 31 August 2022. As of that date, Elliott no longer has any shareholding or control over AC Milan.”
