Senaat VS time light on big for big root uitgavenpacket: shutdown overheid afgewend | Buitenland

With 75 days and 22 years, the Senaat has a package of 467.5 million dollars (around 426 million euros) for the land, transport, housing, energy, veterans and other programs financed on September 30th, the year of the fiscal year in the United States Staten. He’s right, he’s talking about the Democrats as a republic, but now it’s President Joe Biden, who wants to know it. During the weekend the American house of Afgevaardigden is in the wet area.

If the fiscal year began in October, there was a shutdown, and the federal government was not allowed to issue any additional funds and the entire overheid service came to a standstill. The American Congres – the bestaat uit het Huis van Afgevaardigden én de Senaat – may also have an akkoord uitwerken over a veel groter uitgavenpacket dat betrekking heeft op het leger, de innenlande veiligheid, de gezondheidszorg and other services. The financing for this onderdelen loops after op 22 maart.
