Fiber-rich foods for weight loss and constipation: list

Pto lose weight foods rich in fiber are our allies. In fact, they regulate intestinal function, keeping the microbiota healthy and defeating constipation, rather frequent in women. So what are the foods that should never be missing from our diet? We asked the Doctor Rossella BonifacioNutritionist Doctor at the DA “Mariconda” Regional Residential Center, ASL Salerno.

Lose weight without dieting: 4 revolutionary rules

Lose weight and fight constipation

«Constipation especially affects the elderly and women, almost four times more than men. Let’s talk about constipation when you have a bowel movement less than three times a week for a period of at least 8 weeks. The first step is to exclude organic, metabolic, psychological or pharmacological causes. Based on my experience, if constipation is linked to reduced functional peristalsis, nutrition can influence around 70%.. The intestineIndeed, It has the function of eliminating food waste ingested and has a length of 8-10 meters, therefore evacuation depends on the quality and quantity of what we eat», advises Doctor Bonifacio.

How to increase intestinal function

“Generally, if the goal is to lose weight, an eating style will be adopted basically restrictive, which will lead to fewer bowel movements compared to those who eat a richer and more varied quantity of food. Therefore, when choosing foods we must pursue two objectives: improve intestinal peristalsis and increase its functionality. To be avoidedor reduce, blueberries and grapes for the high content of tannic acid which slows down peristalsis, as well as tea and red wine. It is important, however, to respect the frequency between meals: this is ideal eat every three hours to keep the intestine in training and improve peristalsis which is activated after the meal”, continues the expert.

Stop constipation

«In general, therefore, It is possible to defeat constipation without resorting to laxatives. To do this the first step is a change in lifestyle, with constant physical activity. It is then essential to act on nutrition, bringing it to the table every day fruit and vegetables, whole foods, lots of water, few animal fats and the right amount of oil. Liquids are essential for softening stools. In addition to the right amount of fruits and vegetables, it is good drink about two liters of water per day. Better to choose waters rich in magnesium and sulphates with a natural laxative power”, recommends Doctor Bonifacio.

Lose weight with vegetables and fruit

“The vegetables are excellent anti-constipation alliessince on the one hand contain water which increases the volume of fecal mass in the intestine and stimulates peristalsis, i.e. the drive to expel faeces, on the other they are rich in soluble fibre, nourishment for the intestinal bacterial flora which in turn is fundamental for correct intestinal function. Furthermore, improve the sense of satietya non-negligible aspect in a diet aimed at losing weight. Fresh and seasonal ones are preferable. Fruit too it is rich in fiber and water and therefore plays a role double function in fighting constipation. The recommended amount is three servings per day. The most suitable are i kiwi, whose pulp is a powerful natural laxative, and dried plums since they contain, in addition to fiber, also a particular type of anti-constipation sugarsorbitol”, suggests the expert.

Never without

«Moreover, never let the Whole grains, rich in insoluble dietary fibre. Once in the intestine they retain water and this causes an increase in fecal mass, a accelerated intestinal transit, and the reduction of the contact time of some potentially harmful substances with the intestinal mucosa. Those who follow a restrictive and unbalanced diet complain of the sudden onset of constipation. This because we often change the quantity of oil to season foods. But the oil, better if extra virgin olive oil, helps intestinal trophism, acting as an emollient and fluidifier of the feces, which will thus flow better in the intestinal tube. Also it is rich in fat-soluble vitamins, A and EAnd of antioxidants, very important for the well-being of the organism. It’s good, then, season the dishes with one or two teaspoons of oil», concludes Doctor Bonifacio.

