RIVM: more clear in February about excess mortality | Inland

According to the CBS, many more people have died in recent months than normal during this period. The excess mortality in the Netherlands was also higher than in neighboring countries with approximately the same vaccination coverage. More people died than expected in all age groups, but the increase is greatest in the age groups over 65. In the last week of December, there was just no question of excess mortality, the CBS reported in the night from Thursday to Friday.

This week, various organizations for the elderly called on the cabinet to quickly start an investigation into the excess mortality. The organizations believe that the death rates can only partly be explained by deaths as a result of corona. They want to know whether it could also be due to the delayed care or loneliness, for example. Member of parliament Pieter Omtzigt (CDA) was also recently critical of the issue and openly questioned the data supplied by RIVM.

‘Data not complete’

RIVM reports that an analysis has been made “before Christmas” of the privacy risks of an investigation into excess mortality. The data from the institute, which registers deaths as a result of corona, is currently being combined with data from Statistics Netherlands. “The data from the RIVM is not complete,” explains a spokesperson. “That is because there is no obligation to report a death from corona.”

Statistics Netherlands has general data on mortality and causes of death in the Netherlands. By comparing this, for example, with information from the RIVM about the vaccination status of people, it is possible to see whether there is a link between vaccination and excess mortality, explains the RIVM spokesperson.


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