Harming Yourself: How Self-Doubt Can Threaten Your Financial Future

Many people have to deal with self-doubt again and again in their lives. If doubts become established, they can harm you in the long term. A psychologist explains in a CNBC article what you should pay attention to.

Psychologist explains: Self-doubt can lead to financial damage

The psychologist Dr. Adia Gooden explains in an article for the American business and financial news channel CNBC that people with enormous self-doubt often make poor decisions regarding their own financial health. She also says that those who are aware of their worth stand up for their own work and the associated earnings.

Impostor syndrome: self-sabotage in everyday working life

The imposter syndrome means the fact that one doubts one’s own professional achievements. According to the AOK, you mistakenly think of yourself as an imposter and constantly live in fear that your colleagues and boss will notice that you can’t actually do anything.

If you constantly question whether you can really do something, you can feel like a fraud. Gooden explains that this would cause people to stop asking for raises and promotions that they actually deserve. Ultimately, it is precisely these lack of salary increases and promotions that can lead to you being denied significant sums of money.

The expert advises that you should reflect on your own success experiences and write them down. Whenever you need a boost of motivation, look at these notes.

Take it easy: Don’t make hasty financial decisions

Nowadays, the psychologist continues, there are more and more people who want to alleviate their dissatisfaction with purchases, which in the long term harms themselves financially. Instead, you have to teach yourself how to deal with setbacks better. Options for dealing with such setbacks could include taking a walk or talking to a friend.

Before making a long-term financial decision, explains Dr. Gooden, you should calm down first. So take time to think carefully about the steps and perhaps even ask people for advice. You should also make sure that you are not making the decision to prove your worth. People who don’t have the confidence to handle money themselves often make expensive and unhealthy decisions in the long term.

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