‘Lil Kleine will often be beaten up in prison’

Lil Kleine is going to have a very hard time in prison if he has to move among the other inmates after his quarantine. That is what juice stars Jan Roos and Yvonne Coldeweijer expect.


27-year-old Lil Kleine was sent back to prison at the beginning of this week. He will still be in custody for two weeks because of the gross abuse of his girlfriend Jaimie Vaes. According to Yvonne Coldeweijer, he is currently still in quarantine because of the corona virus, but that will change next week.

hitting wife

Yvonne states that Lil Kleine is currently in Zaanstad prison. “He is currently all alone in a locked room for the next eight days. These are new rules related to corona. After this period, he can start mixing with the other prisoners,” said the juice queen on Life of Yvonne

And there he will have a very hard time, she predicts. “According to my spy, there is already talk about ‘nobody is going to like him’ and that he is ‘going to have a rough time’. According to the spy, the mentality prevails there: hit your wife, you don’t do that. That will be waived… ??.”

Down hierarchy

A spy tells Yvonne: “Yes! (…) also works in prison and it works so weird… If you have committed a murder against a man then you are king (what the actual) and if you mistreat women you are really garbage and you are at the very bottom of the prison hierarchy.”

Yvonne hopes that Lil Kleine protects his star well. “Just to be safe, don’t drop any soap in the shower, Lil.”

Physical Circumference

Jan Roos predicts the same misery for Lil Kleine, he tells in GossipTalk† “I think that Lil Kleine will have a hard time in prison, partly because of his physical circumference, namely a small boy. In prison they hate a few people. Those are people who touch children and beat up women.”

“If you beat up a woman and you’re famous again and you pretend you’re a gangster when you’re 5 feet tall… He’s going to have a really bad time in jail. It really gets beat up so often. And he mustn’t drop his soap, I can tell you. So it’s going to be intense.”

Top 600

According to Yvonne, Lil Kleine would therefore very much like to be transferred. “According to a spy, Jorik has indicated to the staff that he would like to be transferred to the Top 600 department. There are people who have committed a relatively large number of high-impact crimes in recent years.”

“It seems that these are mostly younger guys, some of whom he knows personally. So you can indicate to the staff what your preference is. It is not yet known whether his wishes will be met.”
