Francesca Michielin for the planet to be saved with Earth Effect

F.rancesca Michielinwhich we just saw on the stage of Sanremo with Emma Marronebecomes an interviewer in the new program Earth effect. Practical guide for conscious earthlingsfrom March 6th tonight on Sky Nature at 9.15 pm (and streaming on Now).

The friend of Fedez is the spokesperson for the green culture actively participating in a program, mostly aimed at young peoplewhich brings to the fore the need to respect the environment of a planet in disarray, more and more crushed by the selfishness of the human being.

At the center of the six episodes of Earth effect central themes in the contemporary debate on ecology and sustainability, as the sustainable fashion, renewable energy, air pollution, sustainable cosmetics and detergents. Address yourself by placing a influencers, researchers and scientists some questions like these: what choices can we make to improve the condition of the planet? And how did we get to this point?

Earth effect: sustainable fashion

In the first episode Francesca meets Camilla Mendinigreen influencer better known as Carotilla. Together they tell about the impact that the fashion industry has on the environment: it is the second for pollution of the aquifers. Cotton is a false friend, it is in fact one of the least sustainable fabrics because it requires a lot of water and pesticides for cultivation.

The singer and the blogger talk about topics like fast fashionor rather the bulimia of grabbing the latest fashionable and low-cost dress (the cost is obviously linked to a production in the third world) and greenwashingthat is the marketing technique adopted by companies that they pretend to be sustainable.

And together with his guests Francesca also gives some advice not to throw away what we have in the closet: the goal is to love the clothes we buy and use them creatively without the need to replace them.

We focus on vintage – suggest Marina Spadafora, stylist and ambassador of sustainable fashion -, we buy less, we buy better and we make our clothes last ». At the end of each episode, the presenter meets the philosopher Maura Gancitano that reflects on the importance of changing our attitude towards the speed of consumption. To slow down means to be one step ahead.

Francesca Michielin with Marina Spadafora. (Sky)

Francesca Michielin: “I’m not the Italian Greta Thunberg”

Greta inspired me, but I’m not the Italian Thunberg – is keen to clarify Francesca Michielin – I should do a lot more. They are against radical attitudes, but in some cases they are necessary, as in this one. So I admire Greta. I am touched see in the square, from the highest to the smallest like that of my Bassano Del Grappa, teenagers who ask politicians to be heard. I am happy that a little girl has inspired a generation on such an important urgency. I’m his fan.

The target of Earth effect? Young people who go to social networks

The target of the program seems to be i young people who play on social networks. It’s obvious. The testimonial is 26 years old and is loved by the very young, among the appearances of her in the various episodes of Earth effect. Practical guide for conscious earthlings there are blogger and the graphics that intersperse the interviews e the narration is made by a group of thirty-year-olds which clearly refers visually to Instagram stories.

The influencers we interviewed are expertsgraduates in biology and biotechnology who put their knowledge on social at the service of their public – he says Michielin. I involved them in what we call “laboratories”, in which we concretely say what to do to be green and closer to the planet ».

Francesca Michelin

Francesca Michelin with Maura Gancitano. (Sky)

Francesca’s green habits

Francesca is lucky because she was born into a family «Quite environmentalist – he reveals. In elementary school we talked about hole in the ozone layer and during the science class of separate collection. The school is very important for raising awareness among young people on these issues, I think the new generations will bring us to safety“.

With this program the new presenter has deepened her knowledge. Specifically? “I have reduced meat consumptionuse in cosmetics and solid shampoos I don’t use cotton pads but linen, tells. I have the bamboo toothbrush, I’m reusing and re-evaluating the clothes in my closet and I also fish from my grandmother’s“.

