Veterinarians warn of the increase in dogs injured by processions: “They can die in a matter of hours”

The unusually high temperatures recorded this winter are anticipating the appearance of processionary caterpillars several months before than expected and, furthermore, in areas where until now it was not usual see them. This phenomenon, which experts warn about, is also causing an increase in consultations for allergic reactions related to these animals. Especially among the dogs. Various hospitals veterinarians They affirm that they began to care for the first animals affected by processions in January when, until now, these cases took between one and two months longer to appear.

The processionaries (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) are some very common insects in forests, parks and Mediterranean natural spaces with the presence of pine trees. According to ecologist Mireia Banqué, these animals are present all year round but, in most cases, we only notice their presence when they come down from the trees and wander on the ground. “They are only dangerous during this phase. In the rest, they are harmless,” comments the CREAF expert. In this sense, the scientist explains, the great danger of these caterpillars are its quills as they contain a toxin which can cause itching, irritation and allergic reactions. “This can be especially serious in children and animals, although anyone can be affected,” she says.

Síntomas habituales


Los perros destacan entre los animales con mayor riesgo de sufrir reacciones alérgicas graves tras entrar en contacto con las procesionarias. Según explica la veterinaria Maria Elena Garcia, lo más habitual es que los perros entren en contacto con las orugas durante los paseos. Sobre todo porque, debido a la naturaleza de estos animales, “suelen ser muy curiosos y cuando ven a estas orugas se acercan a olisquearlas“. Y es ahí donde empieza el problema. “Las púas de las procesionarias son una especie de arpones que se clavan en la lengua o los conductos respiratorios de los animales, liberan sus toxinas y provocan una respuesta alérgica potencialmente mortal”, comenta esta especialista, que trabaja en una clínica de Hospitalet de Llobregat.
