René van der Gijp angrily leaves VI after climate talk: ‘He is right’

René van der Gijp left angrily at Today Inside last night because he was annoyed by the two climate activists in the studio. “These types don’t fit in the show!”


It was a bizarre broadcast of Today Inside last night. The editors had invited two climate activists to tell their stories at the bar, but René van der Gijp was not happy about that. “I think those two are nice people, but does this fit in with our program? I think they are very sweet, but what should you do with them?”

‘Do we have to do it?!’

In their presence, René expressed his disgust at the two activists Sieger Sloot and Hannah Prins. “I don’t really know. I feel like I’m thinking to myself, I might as well have stayed home. I had a really nice night, man. Enjoy Netflix, watch Cambuur. I have nothing to do with those people. What should we do with it now?”

He continued: “We just have a nice program that is going well and then there are two of those who-know-what sitting at the bar. Yes, what should I do with it? Those types of people don’t fit into our program.”


Johan Derksen has a little more understanding for the guests at the bar. “Do they have to leave then?”

René: “Yes!”

Wilfred Genee after the commercial break: “It could really go either way.”

Johan: “I think these people have the right to express their opinions”

René: “I just really hate people who think they have all the wisdom.”

Wisdom in lease

Johan: “Do you hate me then?”

René: “Well, that’s not too bad. There is still some self-mockery in you, although it has become less so in recent years, but there is still some self-mockery. But just people who have a total monopoly on wisdom, that doesn’t interest me at all.”

Johan: “Do you think that these people have a monopoly on wisdom?”

René: “They think so. They have no doubts about anything.”

Pushing on

Wilfred names René’s emotion. “René is irritated. You notice that very clearly. Do you understand that?”

Sieger: “Yes, I can completely imagine that it is very annoying that people sit on a road and continue to have their way.”

Afterwards he says in the section In De Wandelgangs: “I think it is a fairly extreme reaction, but that is also allowed. René is René.”

And Hannah: “Maybe it is also a logical reaction, like: no, terrible, I don’t want to know anything about this, but next time you open the news and see a forest fire, you think: hey!”

Left angry

René angrily walked away from VI as soon as the credits rolled. Ratings authority Tina Nijkamp understands him. “VI had 914 thousand viewers. A very nice number, but given the moderate competition of the Cambuur – NEC match, that is still on the cautious side for VI,” she says in the podcast Tina’s TV Update.

She continues: “I also think, and I agree with Gijp, that it was strange that they were sitting there. It actually doesn’t fit the format at all. It went on and on and on. So I agree with Gijp that it does not fit into the show this way. They should have put one person there with a familiar face next to it.”


What does AD opinion diva Angela de Jong think? She writes in her column: “Was it nice of Gijp? No. Did I feel sorry for the guests? No, because this is VI, you can expect everything there. And I find those Extinction Rebellion types irritating.”

She concludes: “But at the same time I wondered: if you can and only want to insult guests, why invite them? VI doesn’t need that. While the final leader was walking, it was just visible how Gijp angrily ran out of the studio. That became fireworks in the locker room. I hardly dare to ask, but: is there perhaps a video of it?”
