Young Tilburg citizen drives too fast and again without a driver’s license: lost car

A man from Tilburg (20) was caught on the A59 on Tuesday and Wednesday night. He was driving way too fast and without a driver’s license. According to the police, that was not the first time. He had to hand in his car.

The Tilburg citizen attracted the attention of the police because of the high speed at which he raced across the highway. The officers of the Zeeland West Brabant Traffic Police had to accelerate to put the man on the side of the road. The young driver drove no less than 67 kilometers per hour too fast on the A59.

Driver’s license could not be taken away
Because he was driving too fast, he had to surrender his driver’s license. The problem was that he didn’t have that. “The driver’s license could therefore not be recovered,” the police wrote on Instagram. And according to the officers, it was not the first time he had gone on the road without a driver’s license. It was not without consequences. “Because he made the mistake again, we seized the car,” the police wrote.

The Tilburg citizen also tested positive for the active substance THC in cannabis during the saliva test. A blood test was also done. The outcome of this determines whether the man will also receive a report for driving under the influence.
