Assize murder Jill Himpe: victim and perpetrator remained…

The investigation showed that the accused and the victim met in the early evening of November 4, 2019 in a coffee bar in Kortrijk. “Here they agreed that Jill would pick up Ridoan the next morning and that he would take her to Gentbrugge,” said detective Mathieu D. From there she would carpool with colleagues to Amsterdam, but she did not dare to tell her ex-partner at first. . “In his second interrogation he stated that it bothered him that she went to Amsterdam with two men.”

O. spent most of the rest of the evening in a café. He also contacted a dealer to buy two grams of cocaine. In between, he sent several messages and voice messages to his ex-partner. That night he also discovered that she had searched social media for a way to deal with a narcissistic partner.

Jill Himpe finally picked up the accused around 7:10 am. “Even though we know he does not have a driver’s license, Ridoan gets behind the wheel,” said detective Francis N. According to O., a discussion arose along the way, including about those searches on social media. The investigators noted that the accused did not actually drive towards Gentbrugge at all, but simply dismissed it as a mistake.
