Family Constellations: what they are, what they are for

TAmong the alternative activities dedicated to improving emotional well-being there is one with a truly fascinating name: le Family Constellations. In fact, not everyone chooses psychotherapy or psychoanalysis to address their discomforts or existential problems, anxiety, emotional blocks. There are those who turn to different experts. But What is the point of doing family constellations? What to ask and what to expect from a family constellation? We talk about it with Elizabeth Bonaventuraexpert in holistic disciplines (Zen Tarot; Access Bars®, Lecher antenna, shamanic and holistic massages).

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Family Constellations, what are they?

This method was theorized by Bert Hellinger (1925/2019), but it has never been scientifically recognized. In fact, it belongs to the “pseudosciences” and is based on the observation of the individual within his own system, family or group to which he belongs. But what is it and how can it help to bring emotional well-being back into balance?

How much family dynamics matter

Bert Hellinger, scholar of theology, pedagogy and Gestalt psychoanalysis, since 1980 he has dedicated his energies to the study and diffusion of the theory that sees everyone’s life conditioned by forces that are not strictly individual. The method highlights problems and conflicts of family dynamics through the interactions responsible for nested and hidden knots and tangles.

A way to be more aware

The process can be effective in bring to light and resolve the critical issues that manifest themselves as insurmountable obstacles on the path of life. «It is a long journey of growth and awareness, which aims to make visible the entanglements in which we are involved and which trap us in spite of ourselves, handed down from father to son”, explains the expert.

Family Constellations, from generation to generation

«Hellinger states that destinies and feelings they are not only ours but can derive from the relational system to which we belong, and which force the repetition of some events in our history”, adds Elisabetta Bonaventura. «The constellations are a way to represent the characteristics of the invisible family tiesbut strongly rooted, also existing with their own ancestors and help us observe those dynamics to free them from current life where they repeat themselves incognito, as in a script.”

How a group meeting takes place

A meeting takes place through a group staging where the action of people takes place who, as representatives, take on various roles. «This is how the interdependencies between family members are recreated. The staging is the stage on which the projection of the emotions that cause suffering takes place”, adds Bonaventura.

Even individual and remote meetings with a very special kit

«Meetings can also take place individually, even via the web and those who wish to participate connect by communicating their topic to the facilitator», explains the expert. In this case, as a facilitator I make use of elements borrowed from the world of toys. These are the puppets Playmobil, a variant created by Sieglinde and Jacob Schneider with Carl-Auer Verlag, which involves the use of in a assorted kit by genderwith different colors of hair and clothing, used as substitute-representatives to set the scene.

All emotions at play

“They can be represent people or even energies, emotions and moods, such as creativity, love, anger, sadness. By listening to the applicant’s instructions with attention, deep respect, ethics and delicacy, the facilitator helps to set the scene and express the experiences that emerge from the circumstance. There are many cases in which a family constellation has largely contributed to starting a process of deepening and healing”, concludes Elisabetta Bonaventura.

