Police have arrested more than 300 climate activists at the A10 blockade

The police have removed all climate demonstrators from the A10. The activists were taken away and put on a bus. All in all, the demonstration lasted more than two hours, a lot shorter than the last time. More than 300 activists have been arrested.

It took the police about an hour to remove all Extinction Rebellion demonstrators from the A10. Most people stood up themselves, others were carried away by officers. The group was taken away by several police buses, they were dropped off in Amsterdam North.

Climate crisis

Hundreds of demonstrators gathered on the A10 today to draw attention to the climate crisis. The group stood on the highway with signs like ‘stop fossil subsidies’ and sang protest songs.

The action took place in front of ING’s head office. That bank announced in December that it will take until 2040 to phase out the financing of oil and gas extraction. Extinction Rebellion wants the bank to stop investing in the fossil industry now.

On December 30, the A10 South was also occupied by Extinction Rebellion. The occupation then lasted more than five hours.
