Maxime Meiland screwed? ‘Bureau will examine entire biography’

Maxime Meiland will not be happy about it: even more muck will end up on her plate. According to Story, an agency is being called in to investigate her biography for lies.


What nonsense, the Meilandjes will undoubtedly think. Story journalist Nick Dijkman, who, according to Meilandjes biographer Jan Dijkgraaf, has been resentful since he received an angry email from Erica Meiland, states that in addition to the defamation case, even more mud ends up on Maxime Meiland’s plate. He overheard something in the corridors…

Maxime caught?

Maxime is under fire because of the claim in her biography that she was raped, but according to the opposing party this is a lie. What else is in that book? Could she be caught doing something that will damage her credibility? After all, that would come in handy in the defamation case against her…

The Story journalist appears to have chatted with Maxime’s alleged rapist and his lawyer Peter Schouten: “It is now being suggested in the corridors that the lawyer and his client want to engage an investigation agency to check some of Maxime’s other claims in her book” , he writes.

Resentful flirt

It seems the Story knows more. “It is no coincidence that the Meiland family is familiar with such an investigation agency: that of Erica’s ex-boyfriend, the private detective Sander van Betten. He carries out such activities with his K-2 Detective Agency,” the magazine said. Erica herself does not see him as an ex-boyfriend, but more as a vindictive one flirt.

Sander has also apparently chatted with Story, but does on the record very discreet: “I know Peter Schouten and the Meiland family well. I know more about that so I can’t say anything about that. I don’t want to harm anyone with that either. You understand that I am on Peter Schouten’s side, but I cannot say anything about it due to my obligation of confidentiality and permit.”

Party complete

In other words: it seems that all the enemies of the Meilandjes are gathered together to, to start with, make life difficult for Maxime. Only Caroline van Eeden remains as spokesperson and the party is complete.

Biographer Jan is starting to get a bit tired of it. He finds private detective Sander completely hopeless, he writes in his Letter from Jan. “Maybe your failed ‘relationship’ with Erica is still so deeply ingrained in you that you are the private detective who hired Schouten for a friendly price to dig into Maxime Meiland’s past.”

Not over yet

Jan gives Sander a serious warning if he actually plans to do so. “If I understand correctly, one suspicion of a criminal offense is enough to lose that permit. (…) You should lose that permit!”

One thing is certain: the case brought by Maxime’s alleged rapist is far from over. “If we are successful, they may appeal. Conversely, we will appeal,” says Peter Schouten.
