Unraveling the Impact of Anxiety on Sports Performance: Key Strategies for Success

In the dizzying world of High Performance Sports, Anxiety emerges as a force that can drive or hinder athletes.

From my perspective as a Psychiatrist specializing in Anxiety Disorders and Neurosciences Applied to High Performance Sports, it is essential to understand this phenomenon and develop effective strategies for its management.

Anxiety in athletes is not simply an obstacle to overcome, but a source of valuable information. Understanding its nuances provides deep insights into the emotions and thoughts that influence performance. With insight we refer to the ability to clearly and deeply perceive and understand a problem or situation. This knowledge may be the key to unlocking true athletic potential.

Proper management of Anxiety becomes a powerful tool for athletes. There are several strategies supported by Psychiatry and Neurosciences that offer personalized approaches. From deep, conscious breathing techniques and positive visualizations, these strategies allow athletes to confront and channel anxiety in a constructive way.

Another important aspect to take into account to evaluate Anxiety in Athletes is the Sports Arousal, which refers to the level of physiological and psychological arousal, which plays a fundamental role in athletic performance. The right balance is essential, since both lack and excess can have a negative effect. Understanding how anxiety influences Arousal, and vice versa, provides essential insight into optimizing performance.

It is extremely important to psycho-educate the athlete with tools to learn to manage Arousal and have the best sports performance. Some of the strategies to implement may be:

  1. Breathing and relaxation: Practicing deep breathing and muscle relaxation techniques can help maintain adequate arousal levels. This may include deep abdominal breathing or the 4-7-8 technique (inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds)
  2. Display: Imagining positive sports situations and visualizing success can help control arousal. This can also include visualizing how you handle pressure situations calmly and effectively.
  3. Pre-game routines: Establishing routines before sporting events can help create a predictable environment and reduce anxiety. This could include certain warm-up exercises, relaxing music, or keywords to help you stay focused.
  4. Focus on the present: Instead of worrying about the end result, focus on the task at hand. Focusing on the specific actions you need to take at that moment can reduce anxiety.
  5. Set realistic goals: Having realistic and achievable goals can help avoid excessive pressure. This will allow you to enjoy the process and maintain a more manageable level of arousal.
  6. Maintaining trust: Remembering past achievements and maintaining a positive mindset can help build and maintain confidence, which contributes to healthy arousal.

Proper management of anxiety in athletes is essential to optimize performance, by ensuring that emotional activation is in a healthy balance, allowing athletes to face challenges with concentration, confidence and effectiveness.





Htal. Pirovano

Scientific Secretary of the APSA Anxiety Disorders Chapter

If you need professional support, you can contact Dr:

IG: @dra.ivanameloni



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