Outsource bureaucracy | Article by Astrid Barrio about the farmers’ protest and the excessive bureaucratic burden

In the wake of what happened in various European countries, the Spanish farmers They have been mobilizing for two weeks make their demands heard. They complain about the unfair competition exerted by agricultural products of non-EU origin as a consequence of demanding and convoluted European legislation more concerned with the environmental agenda than with the survival of the primary sector, despite the old CAP.

They also do it because of the difference in prices between what farmers receive, sometimes even below costs, and the increasingly high prices paid by the final consumer, a difference that they consider excessive no matter how much there are transportation, storage, packaging and distribution costs. And finally, they protest the increasing bureaucratization to which they are subjected by administrations, something that forces them to dedicate a very important part of their time to these processes.

This, however, although the farmers have been the first to raise their voices en masse, This is not the only sector affected by the excess bureaucratic burden, which, contrary to what this organizational model anticipated, not only does not contribute to the improvement of efficiency and productivity but worsens it.

La administración burocrática, a pesar de la carga peyorativa que este concepto tiene en nuestro imaginario colectivo, como muy bien explicó Max Weber, era un modelo de organización y funcionamiento del Estado basado en la existencia de unos procesos estandarizados y tasados, con un fuerte componente jerárquico, que buscaba reducir al máximo la arbitrariedad de los poderes públicos y por tanto el nepotismo y el clientelismo.
