“It is not the same to drink a whole orange as a juice, no matter how homemade it is”

A recent scientific study revealed that take daily juices natural fruit (squeezed or shaken) get fat. According to the report, daily intake of these foods causes a significant increase in body mass index in boys and girls. In adults, a correlation is also found with weight gain, although the result is more variable. “In certain scenarios it has been found that people who consume fruit juices daily can gain weight on average up to five kilos a year”, concluded the research, led by the universities of Toronto and Harvard.

Is it so bad to drink homemade juices? Doctor in Food Science and Technology and author of the essays ‘Don’t get messed up with food’ and ‘From the grocery store to the hypermarket’ (Destino), Miguel Ángel Lurueña answers EL PERIÓDICO’s questions to resolve doubts that arise as a result of the study.

¿Qué opina de la investigación de Toronto y Harvard?

Es un estudio que revela lo que los divulgadores científicos llevamos mucho tiempo diciendo: no es lo mismo tomar una naranja entera que beberse un zumo con naranjas exprimidas.
