PvdD: ‘Why should the raccoon and raccoon dog be hunted?’

The PvdD is also afraid that hunting will disrupt nocturnal nature. “How did GS determine that hunting raccoons and raccoon dogs at night with artificial light does not have negative effects on other protected animal species?” can also be read in the states’ questions.

RTV Drenthe has occasionally received reports about a raccoon or raccoon dog in recent years. In 2022, the WMD had a raccoon walking around the Noordbargeres water extraction area. So far, they have mainly been spotted in Limburg and Gelderland, but traces can also occasionally be found in our province. In Drenthe there are at most eight or nine raccoons, thinks ranger Bertil Zoer. “As it appears now, they are vagrants,” he said in 2022. “We have not yet seen evidence of young being born here.”

In 2020, a raccoon dog walked over the Suthwalda ecoduct, between Alteveer and Zuidwolde. In recent years, the animal has been seen on the Hijkerveld and near Zeegse, among other places. The raccoon dog is not related to the raccoon but a canid.
