Gaziantep FK and Fenerbahçe faced each other in the last 16 rounds of the Ziraat Turkish Cup. Referee Burak Şeker blew the whistle in the match played at Kalyon Stadium.

The yellow-dark blue team won the match 2-0 and advanced to the quarter-finals of the cup. Michy Batshuayi scored the goals that brought the Canary round in the 17th and 31st minutes. The Belgian star, who made a great contribution to his team with the goals he scored, reached his 17th goal this season.

Gaziantep FK’s Alexandru Maxim could not convert the penalty they won in the 29th minute into a goal.

The quarter-final draw in the cup will be held on February 12.


In the 13th minute, Serdar Aziz, who rose well in the penalty area, headed the corner taken by İrfan Can Kahveci from the right wing, and goalkeeper Nita sent the ball back to the corner.

Fenerbahçe won a penalty in the 15th minute. Mert Hakan Yandaş, who found the ball brought by İrfan Can Kahveci from the right wing in front of the goal area with the intervention of Djilobodji, was left on the ground with the intervention of Furkan Soyalp in the penalty area. Referee Burak Şeker showed the penalty spot.

Basthuayi took the penalty shot in the 17th minute and sent the ball into the net from the left of goalkeeper Nita: 0-1

In the 24th minute, while Jevtovic was controlling the ball that Mustafa Eskihellaç sent to the penalty area, the ball hit Oosterwolde’s hand. After the warning from VAR, referee Burak Şeker came to the side of the field, watched the situation and decided to give a penalty.

Maxim took control of the ball in the 29th minute and goalkeeper İrfan Can Eğribayat took the place kick. Furkan Soyalp, who wanted to complete the returning ball, headed the ball out of the goal area.

In the 31st minute, the yellow-dark blue team increased the difference to 2. Furkan Soyalp cleared the ball from the corner taken by Mert Hakan Yandaş from the right wing. Serdar Aziz’s header was hit by Bonucci, who met the goal ball inside the six area, and this time the ball remained in front of Batshuayi. The ball hit the net with Batshuayi’s shot: 0-2

In the 58th minute, Tadic entered the penalty area from the left wing and the ball went into the corner.

Gaziantep FK came close to scoring in the 72nd minute. Badji, who received the ball in the penalty area with Djilobodji’s pass from the left diagonal, shot the goal ball out from the side.

In the 78th minute, Mert Hakan Yandaş’s pass shot from the right diagonal was passed by goalkeeper Nita with difficulty, but the ball was deflected to the corner.

In the 81st minute, Mirza Cihan received the ball on the left diagonal with the pass sent by Morais, and goalkeeper İrfan Can Eğribayat sent the ball to the corner.

Fenerbahçe won the match 2-0 and advanced to the quarter-finals of the Ziraat Turkish Cup.
