Limburg theaters support Ukraine | 1Limburg

Limburg theaters have joined the Heart for Ukraine campaign. This is an initiative of the cultural sector to encourage Ukraine.

At the theaters in Heerlen and Maastricht, the proceeds from the performances this weekend will go to giro 555.

blue and yellow
Theater De Maaspoort in Venlo has no performances this weekend, but is working on a benefit evening that should take place next week. The theaters also call on their visitors to donate to the people of Ukraine. The theaters in Heerlen and Venlo will also illuminate their buildings in the national colors of Ukraine, blue and yellow.

Anti-Russian piece
Plays in the Theater aan het Vrijthof A Seagull by Toneelgroep Maastricht. A piece written by Anton Chekhov. Yes, a Russian. Director Michel Sluysmans: “A seagull, however Russian it is, is an anti-Russian play, in the sense that heroism, disastrous decisiveness and tough language are very hard to find. The characters experience the same kind of paralysis in their lives that we do. We feel when we follow the news about the war. Chekhov himself summed up his piece with the words ‘little action and a lot of love’. A better message than that can hardly be imagined at the moment.”

Brigitte van Eck, director of Theater aan het Vrijthof: “The war in Ukraine affects everyone in the Netherlands. I think it is fantastic that we can start such a large campaign in the cultural sector at national level in such a short time. We are happy to join Toneelgroep Maastricht and from Theater aan het Vrijthof.”

National Theater
The Parkstad Limburg Theater has the premiere of oustfaust, by The National Theatre. With that piece, the Venlo theater maker Theu Boermans bids farewell to the company, which he has been leading since 2011. Also (part of) the proceeds from the performances of the National Theater go to Ukraine.

The Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht also supports the campaign and donates part of the proceeds from ticket sales to giro 555.

The action Heart For Ukraine by the Dutch cultural sector this weekend is March 4, 5 and 6.
