Doc – in your hands 3: fourth episode, previews, plot, cast

TOndrea Fanti has to face a new obstacle: the hallucinations. In the fourth episode of Doc – in your hands 3 (up tonight Rai 1 to 9.30 pm), in addition to keeping the Internal Medicine department running, to save patients’ lives and chase memories to reconstruct their past, the doctor must deal with other mind games. What is real and what is not?

“Doc – In your hands 2”, previews and exclusive clip of the series with Luca argentero

Dianathe girl that Andrea meets at the end of the previous episode, it really exists? And especially: he actually met her? Together with Giulia she will try to get to the bottom of it. Meanwhile, they get to know each other more closely brothers of Damiano and Giuliawho unfortunately have to deal with the Ambrosiano doctors due to health problems. Riccardo thinks a little less about Alba and a little more about himself.

Doc – in your hands 3: the plot of the fourth episode

Doctor Fanti (Luca Argentero) seems to have found a important piece of his past after meeting Diana in the previous episode. When in the elevator the next day he realizes he has had a false dialogue with his daughter Carolinaa question arises. Andrea is having hallucinations. My neurologist friend Enrico also confirms this. What to do?

Meanwhile at the hospital they arrive in the ward Patrizia, a woman who attempted suicide cutting his wrists, a personal trainer who suffers from vigoroxia e Fabio, Giulia’s brother (Matilde Gioli), sick with multiple sclerosis. The wife is also not well: she has muscle and kidney pain. she has no strength in her legs. It will be the effect of excessive amounts of benzodiazepines what does he take? Fanti and his team get to work.

He also arrives in the department Luna, a model who fainted during Milan Fashion Week. The girl has a heart problem and needs to be operated on. This is the partner of Samuel, brother of Damiano (Marco Ferretti). There is no bad blood between the two. Everything fell apart after his mother’s death: at that point the paths of the two, very different, separated. Will this be an opportunity to reconcile?

Doc’s hallucinations. Who really is Diana?

Andrea is starting to have hallucinations after the pharmacological treatment he is following to recover his memory. My neurologist friend Enrico also confirms this. What to do now? Therapy should be stopped or better still continued? Agnese (Sara Lazzaro) would prefer him to interrupt her, Giulia and Enrico have a completely different opinion: “Let’s continue and see how it goes.”

At this point Doc asks himself a question: Was the meeting with Diana Novelli a hallucination? Fanti feels under siege, he may have done things he didn’t realize and he is afraid of not distinguishing what is real from what is not. He absolutely must track down Diana and discover the truth. Giulia helps him and together they track down the woman.

“Doc – In your hands 3”, Luca Argentero is Andrea Fanti. (Virginia Bettoja)

Riccardo and Martina are complicit in their work and beyond

Riccardo (Pierpaolo Spollon) and Martina (Laura Cravedi) they are increasingly complicit in work and beyond. Together they finish compiling the patient database that is so important to Agnese, they discuss the working method and the states of anxiety that Riccardo often encounters after Alba’s death.

Martina tells her tutor, over a beerhow his love for medicine was born: «It was the fault of Little Women, I wanted to save Beth. I felt terrible.” Will sparks explode between the two? AND Riccardo will be able to let goto think more about himself and less about Alba?

Even between Federico (James George) and Lin (Elisa Wong) there is greater complicity. It’s a shame that Federico himself, by a twist of fate, reveals to his colleague’s parents that her daughter is a trainee at the Ambrosiano, and not an economics student as they believe. How will Lin take it? Next appointment with Doc – in your hands 3 it’s after Sanremo.

