Rare supermarket visit in Enkhuizen: Els encounters young fox near shopping carts

Enkhuizer Els (64) did not know what she saw on Tuesday morning. While shopping she saw a red-haired animal near the shopping carts. And it turns out: it’s a fox. And that in the middle of a busy residential area. “An early morning gift.”

Normally, Els (64), together with her husband Erwin, searches for deer and foxes in the nature of Zwolle. But she never expected that she would come face to face with a fox at the supermarket this morning, she tells NH. “At first I thought it was dead or injured because it wasn’t moving.”

When the fox suddenly shows a sign of life, she alerts the store employee who then calls the animal ambulance. But when they return, the fox has already fled. “It was very special to see a fox up close. A gift early in the morning,” she says. “Maybe it was looking for food, or just taking a rest.”

It is not the first time that a fox has been ‘spotted’ in Enkhuizen. September last year images have also emerged of a young fox quietly browsing around the tennis court or in a backyard.

Forest ranger Mikal Folkertsma of Staatsbosbeheer previously confirmed the stories about the foxes prowling through residential areas. Villages and cities are expanding, causing their territory to shrink more and more, she explains the rise. “The foxes in such an area are becoming less and less shy because people feed them. They quickly get used to this new situation,” she says.

According to her, it is mainly young foxes that go out in search of new territory or a partner. It is difficult to tell whether this is a male or female. “Young foxes are a bit tougher in the beginning, because they have little life experience after they have left the nest.”

Feeding is not recommended

According to Folkertsma, foxes can adapt very well to an urban environment, as long as there is enough food. “The urge to find food easily erases the fear of humans,” she says. Rats and mice are a fox’s ‘main dish’. “But they can just as easily eat garbage or food that is put out.”

The ranger: “It is a special appearance, enjoy it from a distance.” Feeding a fox is strongly discouraged. “Feeding is not without risk. If a fox comes too close and is startled, it can just bite someone on the hand. Let it do its thing.”

It is not clear whether the fox has been spotted at the supermarket before. Aldi was not yet available for comment.
