Helena Ahti-Hallberg’s son Emil sings on TV – Jukka Haapalainen didn’t mince his words

TTK judge Helena Ahti-Hallberg’s son Emil participates in The Voice of Finland competition.

Dancer, dance teacher and Dancing with the Stars -judge Helena Ahti-Hallberg is used to cheering for her son Emil Hallberg in dance competitions, but now she has to do it for dancing as well.

Dancer and former Salkkarit actor Emil Hallberg28, is one The Voice of Finland – about the singers of the competition. Helena is nervous for her son, but extremely proud.

– Yes, with a little pressure from me and Emil’s future wife, he took part in this race. After all, this has been an exciting journey with auditions until today. I am really proud of my child that he had the courage to go with this.

Helena Ahti-Hallberg is proud of her son, who participates in the TVOF bag competition. MATTI MATIKAINEN

Participating in the program showed Helena that in addition to dancing and acting, a person can also be talented musically.

– He has such a gift of performance that he will hopefully be able to use in the future in his life, says Helena gently.

Emil Hallberg is a dancer. He has also been seen in the program Salatut elämät. Henri Kärkkäinen

Dancing with the Stars – program judge Jukka Haapalainen also knows Emil.

– I have noticed from Emil over the years how enormously talented he is in many things. Of course, in moving through dance, but also in creating a general atmosphere. He is always the one who brings something to the situation.

The skill in question is the one from Haapala that every artist and entertainer must have.

– Emil, good luck on your journey! Haapalainen exclaims.

Ahti-Hallberg is taken from Haapalainen’s words.

Jukka Haapalainen also knows Emil Hallberg. Matti Matikainen
