Biden urges the Congress to use the F-16 in Turkey | Buitenland

Biden received a letter from the commissioners over the weekend in the Senate on the Afgevaardigden House. The Buigen zich over elke grote buitenlandse wapenverkoop, waarbij ze onder meer kijken naar zaken as human rights of diplomacy kwesties.

Turkey will be in October 2021 for an amount of 20 billion dollars (or 18.5 billion euros) for the F-16 combat aircraft and modernization of the existing military aircraft from the manufacturer Lockheed Martin. Biden represents the goal of the Zweedse NAVO-lidmaatschap door Turkije as voorwaarde voor die verkoop. The Turkse president Recep Tayyip Erdogan wants to have the right to use the F-16’s transport in the country as a guarantee for the safety of the NAVO-lidmaatschap van Zweden.

The Turks parliament is the day before the speaking of Zweden. The American Ministry of the Buitenlandse Zaken was sent to Ankara this week and decided to formalize it with the handwriting of Erdogan.
