Mobilepay’s big boss explains what went wrong

The launch date of the new version of the payment application Mobilepay did not go smoothly in all respects. The company’s country manager for Finland commented on the incident in a media release sent on Monday afternoon.

Payment requests left open in the old Mobilepay application were not transferred to the new application. The company asks customers to contact their customer service if they need information about open requests. Mobilepay

The new Mobilepay application was released on Monday morning. Mobilepay says in its press release that the launch went well in general, and that the new application can already be found by hundreds of thousands of users.

However, Mobilepay’s big day has been overshadowed by the absence of previously made payment requests from the new application. Although users’ customer information was transferred to the new application smoothly, the same could not be said for open payment requests.

Vipps Mobilepay country manager Perttu Kröger commented on the matter in the press release sent by the company on Monday.

– It’s really unfortunate that we couldn’t foresee that previous payment requests would cause so much confusion. I’m sorry that we didn’t know how to communicate this sufficiently earlier, Kröger states.

Contacted Illetheti on Monday Jani told how he had fifty payment requests waiting for many different people for a total of about a thousand euros.

– Every ethical and possibly legal principle related to the banking industry is violated here, Jani stated to Iltalehte.

The data is not lost

The absence of open payments from the new application was known to Mobilepay, but this information was not passed on to customers.

Communications Manager at Vipps Mobilepay Miranda Falk told Iltalehte on Monday that the communication during the launch phase of the new application was to be kept as clear as possible, so that the messages concerning all users could be conveyed in the best way.

Mobilepay emphasizes that the information about open payment requests has not disappeared anywhere, even if it is no longer visible in the new application. Information about the user’s open payment requests is available from Mobilepay’s customer service.

The application has 2.6 million users in Finland.

Source: Mobilepay

This is how you can search for phone numbers in the Mobilepay application.
